What Is Web Application Security Testing, Its Types, & Tips For Testing?

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September 5, 2022

What Is Web Application Security Testing, Its Types, & Tips For Testing?

As the online world continues to grow and evolve, so does the need for proper web application security testing. Just as homes need security systems to protect against intruders, so do websites need to be tested for vulnerabilities that could allow hackers to gain access and wreak havoc. There are many different types of web application security testing, but all share the common goal of preventing unauthorized access to sensitive data. By identifying and addressing potential security risks, organizations can safeguard their websites and avoid costly data breaches.

Types of Web Application Security Testing!

There are multiple types of web application security testing, each with its own advantages and disadvantages as follows: 

  • #1 – DAST: Dynamic Application Security Testing – DAST is a type of security testing that assesses the security of an application by analyzing its traffic and data during runtime. This approach is effective at finding vulnerabilities that are difficult to detect through static code analysis, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting. However, it can be less effective at finding logic flaws and other issues that only become apparent during specific user interactions.
  • #2 – SAST: Static Application Security Testing – SAST is a type of security testing that assesses the security of an application by analyzing its source code. This approach is effective at finding issues like logic flaws and security misconfigurations. However, it can be less effective at finding vulnerabilities that require runtime analysis, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting.
  • #3 – Application Penetration TestingApplication penetration testing is a type of security testing that assesses the security of an application by simulating an attack. This approach is effective at finding both logic flaws and runtime vulnerabilities. However, it can be time-consuming and expensive, and may require the application to be taken offline for a period of time.

Tips for Improving Web Application Security!

  • Test Early & Often: The sooner you start testing your web application for security vulnerabilities, the better it will be. By testing early and often, you can find and fix issues before they become major problems.
  • Use A Variety of Tools: There are a number of different tools available for security testing, and it’s important to use a variety. Each tool has its own strengths and weaknesses, so using a variety of tools will give you the most comprehensive picture of your web application’s security so that you can mitigate and deal with them effectively making it stable and safer for you.
  • Think Like An Attacker: When you’re testing your web application for security, it’s important to think like an attacker. Try to identify the ways that someone could break into your system, and then test for those vulnerabilities. By thinking like an attacker, you can find and fix security issues before they’re exploited.
  • Prioritize Remediation & Quick Bug Fixes: Assign high, medium, and low priorities to the vulnerabilities so that your development team is always on mission critical to fix and remediate the most critical bugs on priority while leaving none to meet the fate that is allowed to cause any damage to your web application.  

So, Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late – Ensure Your Web Application Security Using The Skills and Expertise of The Most Experienced Development Team, i.e., Legacit.

Web application security testing is an important part of any organization’s cyber security strategy. By identifying and addressing all the potential cyber security risks as per the recommendations made by the most experienced and highly skilled developers at Legacit, you can potentially safeguard your organization’s web application in order to avoid any costly data breaches.